China's new train aims to travel over 600 miles per hour — here's how it could set new standards for high-speed transportation
Flight's incredible speed is its magnetic levitation technology. China's new train aims to travel over 600 miles per hour — here's how it could set new standards for high-speed transportation first ...
The Old Ping-Pong Ball Levitation Trick
[Jacob] has put a slightly new twist on the levitating ball trick with his ping-pong ball levitation machine. We’ve all seen magnetic levitation systems before. Here on Hackaday, [Caleb] built ...
Back to the future with magnetic levitation
The iconic hoverboard from the Back to the Future film franchise is often seen as a futuristic technology that seems plausible, but has never came to fruition.
Japan's Magnetic Levitation Cars Could Revolutionize The Automotive Industry
Magnetic levitation, or maglev, is a method by which an object is suspended in the air using magnetic fields, eliminating the need for physical contact with a surface. This technology drastically ...
Building A Levitating Turbine Desk Toy
Magnetic levitation is a beautiful thing to watch. Seeing small objects wobble about while seemingly hovering in thin air never gets old. If you want something suitably distracting in this vein ...
The wonder material which could hold the key to near-limitless energy
A rare-earth barium copper oxide (REBCO) is now being used by an Oxfordshire-based company for its superconducting properties in the hope it will make nuclear fusion a practical reality.
CHERRY Levitating Speaker now available for Php5,790
CHERRY Philippines has added a new cool item that will surely elevate your listening experience and which you’d love to have at home: the CHERRY Levitating Speaker. The Levitating Speaker is comprised ...
Baltimore-to-Washington maglev train project still in motion
The companies behind the maglev settled a lawsuit in late 2023 over land rights for the project in Westport. Here's the latest on the high-speed train.
How Elon Musk's 700 mph hyperloop could be the fastest way to travel
It's a hyperloop – magnetic pods levitating inside a tube at more than 1,000 kilometers per hour. In theory, you could go from LA to San Francisco in just 45 minutes with tickets less than $100 ...
Could Balloons and Elevators Replace Rockets for Space Travel?
(via SciShow) From hypothetical magnetic levitation trains and space elevators that aren't even attached to the ground, to very real space cannons tested in the 1960s, humans have come up with a lot ...
Energy stores and transfers - OCR Gateway
Fridge magnets, compasses and maglev trains which use magnetic levitation. Thermal In most cases this is the vibrations of the particles in the object. In hotter objects, the particles vibrate faster.
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